Sunday, July 31, 2022

“July is hot afternoons and sultry nights and mornings when it's joy just to be alive.” ~Hal Borland

July 1
Never fear. Owlette is here to save the day.
July 2
“Grandpa, will you play with me?”

Independence Day 2022
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
Jerry, Kerry, and Terry
This is Will’s first Independence Day
Ella thinks he’s pretty cute
Kelly, Sarah, and Cynthia
Ladies first. They might leave some for the guys.
Shelby, Sarah, Julia, Cynthia, Holly, and Ann
Everyone loves Holly’s deviled eggs
Holly, Shelby, and Kelly
Ready for ribs
Kiara, Elijah, moi, and Ken
It’s nice when the young folks don’t mind eating with the old folks
Knox, Sarah, Ella, Julia, and Shelby
Jane, Kelly, Cynthia, Ann, Alex, Laura, and Don
Jerry, Holly, and Kerry
Freedom Peeps
Ella, Shelby, Will, Julia, Sarah, Knox, Kiara, and Elijah
Cousin Peeps
Ella, Shelby, Elijah, Julia, Sarah, and Knox
Just the girls
Family Peeps
Traditions are important
Will is chanting, “USA! USA! USA!"
Ready for the fireworks
Kaboom! Our little city knows how to celebrate freedom.
Happy Birthday, America!

July 9
Oh, she’s going places!
July 13
Knox ~ off the high dive into the deep 
July 13
My niece Sarah celebrated her 27th with her mom’s homemade pineapple upside down cake
July 15
Ella’s first catch ever
She’d caught three before anyone else caught one
Knox has done this before
I think they caught ten fish then released them to swim another day
July 16
Kelly and Ella painting Barbie and friends
Art is good for the soul
July 18
Our first grandchild celebrated her 21st birthday
21! 21! 21!
If I say it enough, maybe it will finally sink in.
"Can I still turn 21 if a 3 yr old blew out my candles??" ~Shelby’s quote from her Instagram post
That face you make when your 3 year old cousin is blowing out your birthday candles
before you have the chance. After about three seconds of stunned silence, we had a good laugh,
relit the candles, sang the last line of the Birthday Song, and Shelby blew out her candles.
21! 21! 21!
Kelly had some fun with the Play-dough
Taco, chips and salsa, and a drink of course
July 20
Neil and Knox went to see the new Thor movie and had the place to themselves
for a little while anyway before others drifted in
July 22
Neil and Shelby went to the shooting range for some target practice
She tried out her new Glock she got for her birthday
Good shootin' there, Shelby
Neil was happy with his bull’s eye. Said it took him about a hundred rounds to finally nail it.
July 24
When the carefully cultivated grass in the front yard died yet again, Neil started digging
and discovered just below the surface this tree root. Six feet wide. Hard to tell it in the picture.
Spent most of a day digging it all up and cutting it into smaller pieces. He thinks this may
be the reason grass won’t establish deep roots for the long haul. 
July 29
In yo face
She plopped herself on my lap and got in my face
So I took her picture
July 31
Fourth time’s the charm?
Green sprouts already pushing up through that blanket of straw

1 Corinthians 3:7-8
7 So then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase. 
8 Now he who plants and he who waters are one, and each one will receive his own reward according to his own labor.

So whether you’re sowing Kingdom seeds or grass seeds,
it is God who makes things grow


  1. Great pics, as always! Don't know why I quit getting email notifications about your blog & I saw a notification on Facebook, but I didn't have the time I like to take to enjoy scrolling through the pics at that moment. Was gonna come back when I had time. Anyway, I sure did enjoy the Independence Day celebration! Loving all the bday pics! Ella blowing out Shelby's candles - classic! Hoping your grass will grow this time. Neil has put a lot of work in that!

    1. Thanks, Jane! Thanks so much for scrolling! Love you!
