Saturday, September 2, 2017

The Simple Woman's Daybook {September Edition}

For Today
September 2, 2017

Looking out my window...
I see a gray sky and clouds, remnants of 'Harvey' that worked its way north from Texas to Tennessee. The rain has finally ended but left us with cooler temperatures, reminding us that Autumn is only three weeks away. The sun is trying hard to shine through those clouds.

I am thinking...
life is short and this scripture comes to mind: 

Teach us to realize the brevity of life, so that we may grow in wisdom.  Psalm 90:12 NLT

I am thankful...
for my life, my 64 and a half years so far, my family, my faith, my salvation...just for starters because there's so much more to always be grateful for

One of my favorite things...
(only one?)
a Harry Potter weekend :)

I am creating...
digital scrapbook pages for my grandpeeps. 

I am wearing...
what I call my 'uniform' ~ T shirt, usually shorts but today jeans because hey it's cool today, and usually flip flops but today socks and tennis shoes because hey that cool thing I mentioned

I am reading (read) /watching (watched) / listening to...
I am reading two books by Ann Voskamp: The Broken Way: A Daring Path Into The Abundant Life (here) and One Thousand Gifts
I am watching...nothing at the is rarely on...usually turn it on late at night and watch reruns of  Friends which always make me laugh no matter how many times I've seen them
Listening to...grandson Knox screaming and laughing as he and his grandpa kick a soccer ball in the back yard

I am hoping...
for Heaven, always

I am learning...
less of me, more of Him
why is this so hard?

In my kitchen...
is a sign that says 'I know how to cook, I just don't'

In the school room...
my 5 year old grandson is in kindergarten and learning how to read, etc.
my 11 year old grandson is in 6th grade and strongly disliking math this year
my 16 year old granddaughter is a junior in high school and just got her driver's license last month
Where is the pause button? They're growing up way too fast.

In my garden...
If I had a garden, I'd grow sunflowers and zinnias

Board room...
shared from my Pinterest Board 'Inspirational' here

Post Script...
A link to a spiritual blog my sister and I keep and add to often ~ hope you'll check it out
Waiting On The Lord

Shared Quote...
Never ignore anything in the shape of a heart
I have no idea where this came from or who said it first, but I love the quote

A moment from my day...
My grandpeeps are a big part of my "dailyness"
I enjoy being with them
We're all not together as much these days after school, though

Closing Notes...
looking forward to it

If you enjoyed reading my daybook and would like to create your own, HERE is the link to the format, guidelines and complete list of prompts.
Hosted by: 


  1. I am thinking ...I wish I had the talent and or patience to write this kinda stuff down :)

  2. Oh I just love the photo of you and your grandchildren!! So sweet. I also love -never ignore anything in the shape of a heart. I see them everywhere....

    1. Thank you so much! They are so precious to me and great fun to be with :)
      Glad you enjoyed the quote! I know what you mean. I see hearts everywhere, too :)

  3. Thanks so much for sharing, I'm sipping coffee and going through a few of these. We're in SW AR and had bits of Harvey come through, and then some cloud cover yesterday and today from Irma, but alas our weekend camping trip this weekend will be back to normal temperatures, upper 80's to low 90's. Thanks again, I was needing some reminders of what's priority and what's busy work, blessings!

    1. Thanks so much for reading my post and taking the time to leave a comment.
      Hope you enjoy your camping trip in spite of the heat! :)

  4. You have a lovely blog... I enjoyed reading your daybook post very much! Great looking grandpeeps... love that you call them that. LOL

    1. Thanks, Leann! And thanks for leaving a comment. That means a lot when a person takes the time to do that :)
