Friday, October 27, 2017

The Big One ~ October at the Nashville Flea Market

Neil and I went to the Nashville Flea Market today at the Tennessee State Fairgrounds. Beautiful October day, although Autumn colors are scarce in middle Tennessee. The wind was fierce when we first got to the fairgrounds this morning and there were a few sprinkles. The sun did shine and we had to shed our jackets around lunch time. 
The October flea market is called The Big One for good reason. There are probably twice as many vendors than the usual flea market which means there's a gazillion things to see instead of just a million.
It's the place to go if you need a patriotic metal rooster. Or two.
GO BIG ORANGE! Maybe they can beat Kentucky on Saturday. Maybe? 
Need a tacky ball cap? 
Lots of Halloween goodies this month
I need this. Wonder if the rules have changed since 1941. The prices sure have.
The metal Tennessee brown bear in his native habitat
Might make an interesting lawn ornament
I saw a lot of cotton today. Wonder why.
Hey, Shelby, this one's for you! She wore a sweater this color earlier this week. Also, her iPhone case and backpack are this color. This is a telephone, the contraption us old timers used to call each other with, for those of you too young to know. Or care. 
Also for those of you too young to know, this is a portable toilet. And a fancy one at that. My grandparents had them upstairs in their house, usually underneath the bed, for those sudden potty urges in the middle of the night. 
Autumn Lady swears she didn't steal any pumpkins. Or grapes.
I'll get you, my pretty. And your little dog, too!
Every time I see dolls with porcelain heads I remember my mom telling me about getting a baby doll for Christmas when she was little. Before she could even touch it, her brother (at least I think that was the story) knocked the doll over onto the hearth and broke its porcelain head. How sad is that?
Saw this book on a table. The title caught my eye. Wonder what that's all about. Maybe it's the prequel to Divine Secrets of the Ya Ya Sisterhood which I never read. Or saw.
Look how much a Charlie's Angels lunch box sells for. And Farrah isn't even on it.
A sea of socks. Neil bought some. 
Baby heads in an egg carton. There's something you don't see every day.
Maybe he's trying to decide if this belongs to him. Or not.
The second largest city in Poland. Don't say I never taught ya nothin.
On the side of a hot dog stand
I have no idea what's going on here.
This is the cutest, most itty bitty typewriter I've ever seen. Still has its ribbon. Would've loved to make it my own but not for $275.
This was the cutest, most itty bitty gas fireplace I ever saw ....
..... however the swastika on the power knob did catch my eye.
Bicycle built for two breaking the rules
Hungry people waiting for their lunch
The flea market is where toys go to die. Out of curiosity, I asked the vendor how much she was asking for the Thomas Train. She said $2. 
People buy this stuff when it's popular and hang on to it thinking it'll be a collector's item someday. The California Raisins are here to tell you it ain't so. 
A lady saw me taking this picture of this mannequin/head and said, "She's very photogenic, isn't she?" I agreed. She's got the smokey eye thing happening. Either that or she hasn't washed her face in several years.
She takes the prize for most unusual (bizarre) hat. Did somebody actually wear this?
Uh oh ....
The Barbies read the sign, liked it, and decided to have a party ....
.... apparently Ken liked it, too. Every time I see a pile of Barbie dolls at the flea market, there will always be a Ken doll right there in the middle of the pile. These aren't collectible, either, even with their clothes on.
The first thing that popped into my head when I saw this was Samson killing a thousand Philistines with the jawbone of a donkey. (You can read about it in the Bible in Judges 15. The King James Version calls it something other than a donkey ....) I don't know what animal this jawbone came from....
....but this vendor had a whole graveyard full of jawbones and skulls. 
Some creative soul made a clock out of explosive devices..... wonder she's wearing a helmet and body armor.
This unicorn rocks!
Where are the 99?
This cast iron skull, complete with bullet holes--entrance and exit wounds--would've made a great Halloween decoration. Alas, poor Yorick! a fellow of infinite jest, cost fifty bucks. We had to leave him behind in the flea market graveyard with Hamlet and Horatio. (Act 5, Scene 1. Don't say I never taught ya nothin.)
There's something about that shiny silver material that reminds me of Michael Jackson. 
This was one of the best things I saw all day.
A flea market vendor, telling it like it is. 
All you hunters out there, why bother sitting in a tree/deer stand all day when you can buy one at the flea market already mounted? 
If this was the only thing we ever bought at the flea market then we would count the day a success. Just might be the only reason we bother to go. I like the chess and the chocolate chess.
Neil loves the raisin fried pies. He is in the minority, no doubt.
Gratuitous flea market selfie
Parting shot .... this contraption is a camera. Aren't you thankful your camera fits in your back pocket? The vendor is one of my favorites and is always at the flea market. He deals in antiques and truly vintage things and always has interesting stuff I can't afford to buy but enjoy looking at anyway. 
Stormy looking skies on our way home along I-40 east.
But we left those behind for blue sky on the plateau. The hills of Tennessee. Home sweet home.
P.S. Found this dancing skeleton plate at the Fiesta ware vendor. Who knew Fiesta made such a thing? Too cute to pass up. FYI: for those of you who buy Fiesta ware each month at the Nashville Flea Market, be aware that the November 2017 flea market is the last time these good folks will be selling Fiesta at that venue (they have a shop near Franklin.)  The lady (sorry to say I never learned her name) said she and her husband are getting too old to do this set up here (he's 70). I totally understand, but it's still a disappointment that they won't be there anymore. We'll miss them.

Found this old bowl that insisted on coming home with me. How could I say no?
Last (and probably least) the ultimate flea market purchase (besides the socks Neil bought): Pork Rinds!! Our first mistake was accepting the sample the vendor offered us. Turns out these BBQ flavored pork rinds are da bomb!
Happy TGIF, y'all!


  1. Always my favorite posts of the year - the flea market!!! Cool stuff, great pics & captions. You should put all your flea market blog posts & make a book out of them! (The cotton sign was great!)

  2. Most interesting!!!! Crazy stuff 8-/
